Feb 1, 2010

Ticking Up

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output:The fruit of economic activity: whatever is produced by using the factors of production.
GDP: Gross domestic product, a measure of economic activity in a country.
consumption: What consumers do.

2010's economic stability began with a rough start, but it appears that America may be heading on an upward trend. An increase in exports and private investors helped to create expansion and growth of the annual GDP rate. However, Americans are still cautious to be completely optimistic, because although it seems the worst is over, the growth which occurred in winter of 2009 will be rare to continue in following months. A sudden rise in brief consumer shopping was the main factor of economic growth as it brought several workers back to employment, but unless a new product is in high demand, that economic growth will falter. Although statistics show that our economy has a long, slow-paced road ahead of it as it improves, many Americans still feel encouraged by the GDP rates at the end of 2009. I am one of those Americans, and I predict that if this behavior is more focused on, employment can increase. We have to go beyond the statistics and percentages and study the needs of consumers--increase the supply of their demands.

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